Tuesday, January 19, 2016


Listening to: All Hamilton, all the time

I know I disappointed myself (and my grandma) when I stopped writing daily. In fact, though I was feeling quite overwhelmed at the time, I really think continued whining on this blog would've helped a lot. Did I hurt some feelings? Yes. Did I make some people scandalized? Possibly so. (I more imagine so.) However, when I returned to Plainville, most of what I heard was "Your blog was amazing!" 

Maybe I flatter myself, but I'd like to think I had some readers--even if those readers just includes my mother, my grandmother, and my roommate. And there's nothing like a healthy dose of nostalgia in the form of Google Photos. Even though my documentation was WAY too much... Well, I don't regret it. Now I can remember France as I saw it, even the pigeons bobbing along. So I've decided that I need to finish this blog--and not just because of The Zeigarnik Effect. I really, really want to.

Of course, my promises probably mean nothing at this point. But the bright side is that I will be returning to France! To Normandy, to be precise--to Bayeux, to be even more precise. So I hope to update you all with the fun facts about my great history class, The Price of Freedom (also the name of an exhibition at the Smithsonian's American History Museum, where Cher Ami the Stuffed Pigeon currently resides). Like that Germans in France were seen (basically) as weenies by those in Berlin. (As you can tell, I'll make a great historian one day.) 

Both in and out of context, this quote from D-Day: The Battle for Normandy by Antony Beevor is great: "'France is a dangerous country, with its wine, women and pleasant climate'" (41), according to one disgruntled German general.

But even the Germans were right when one of them said, "'One really has to have seen and experienced Paris oneself and I"m glad I had the opportunity. You can get everything here in Paris'" (41). (Man, MLA Style can never be abandoned. I tried so hard.)

One of the things you can procure in Paris is Embryolisse, which I'm sure my mother will badger me about. I also need more lipstick...and I really want to experience Normandy. 

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