I love this Monoprix store. I know it's basically like Walmart, but you know, it's French Walmart.
My real struggle is despite the pounds of makeup and hair coloring they have, I can't seem to find any women's shaving cream. Then it occurred to me: do they need to sell that stuff here? Maybe I'll have to use men's shaving cream. Or I could try my darndest to grow Neanderthal hair on my thighs.
My real mission today was to get one of those rolling bags. Actually, they're called "caddies," which is only confusing because that makes me think of a shower shelf. I pulled out all my French knowledge to solve this problem. "Un sac avec...rouleaux." Rouleaux means "wheels," which I actually just learned and only remember because of Minute Physics. I felt so proud of myself. I do have to preface everything I say with, "Je parle francais...mal." I've been assured I do not, but, hey, I'm the customer.
There was so much cheese! The first floor was like typical Walmart, and the bottom floor was a giant grocery store. (The cheese was in the food section, not the top floor.) And there were Oreos! Proof:
There were lots of American brands, actually. I saw Ben & Jerry's, but it was false excitement, as their flavors are sadly limited to chocolate and brownie chocolate fudge and fudge brownie chocolate--so basically just chocolate. Dad would have a field day.
And lots of wine. The section was so big I assumed it was their entire liquor section, and I was wondering if French stores sold any other alcohol besides wine. But turn the corner and nope--even more alcohol. Sadly, though, no Strongbow Honey Apple Crisp cider. I weep.
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