Saturday, March 21, 2015

Day 61: I Feel Like Such an Asp

Listening to: "Almost There" from The Princess and the Frog

Sorry for the moralizing yesterday. I can imagine you all thinking, Wait a minute... I didn't sign up to hear this shit.

Unfortunately, I can't really make up for it, since I did positively nothing today. And, by now, you should realize that "nothing" actually means "nothing that would interest people." 

For instance, I did finish Antony & Cleopatra. My professor calls it "Romeo & Juliet for Old(er) People." He does have a point. The upside to that was that it came off a lot less teen-angsty than R & J. 

Oh, on the subject of teen angst, I'm reminded of the time we were told to write a "ridiculously bad poem." One brilliant student wrote the worst "ANGST" over and over. Though maybe he just that idea from the Potter Puppet Pals?

I left the apartment exactly once, and only to get food. Because that's the only thing that can motivate me, I suppose. I guess there are worse things to leave your apartment for. 

Oof. I need some popcorn and Earl Grey. My solution to everything, I suppose. And speaking of Earl Grey...

You can be sure my terrible sense of humor will not disappear, that's for sure. :)

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